ディスク:1 1. Assault 2. Dust and Flames 3. Red Alert 4. Beginnings 5. The Durandal 6. Boot Camp 7. Nexus News 8. The Central Assembly 9. Move Out! 10. Mission Complete 11. Clear Skies Over Europe 12. Intruders 13. Conspiracy 14. Destinations 15. Free Spirit 16. Mayday 17. Whispers 18. Break Free 19. Deserters 20. Siege 21. Peace of Mind 22. Briefing 23. Battle Plans 24. Lock & Load 25. Intermission
ディスク:2 1. Aggressors 2. Harbor Town 3. Hostiles 4. Game Over 5. Grapevine 6. War Machine 7. Rampage 8. Southern Breeze 9. Knights of Steel 10. To the Dragon’s Lair 11. The Revolutionary 12. Leaden Sky 13. Threat 14. Expeditionary Fleet 15. Brute Force 16. Blauer Nebel 17. Death of an Old Lion 18. Voice of Reason 19. Warmth 20. Why Am I Here? 21. Pride and Honor 22. Requiem for a Soldier 23. Iron Tempest 24. Guiding Light 25. Credits
ディスク:3 1. A Minefield 2. Canyon Crow 3. Rise to Action 4. Advanced Guard 5. Mercenaries 6. Take the Offensive 7. The Evils of War 8. Decline 9. Force Stall 10. Manifold Irons 11. Bloody Temperature 12. Relative Thinking 13. Holic Shot 14. Hard Drag 15. More and More 16. Win Back 17. Raise a Flag 18. The General Situation 19. Shallow Twilight 20. Optical City 21. Coaxial Town 22. Field Hospital 23. Arena 24. Shop 25. Bar 26. Setting Up 27. Military Government
ディスク:4 1. Ominous 2. Martial Ecologist 3. Rage!Rage!Rage! 4. Tension 5. A Person Easily Elated 6. Kalen 7. Elegie 8. Natalie 9. Fear 10. Terrible Density 11. Mad Pressure 12. Destructive Logic 13. Defeat 14. Within Living Memory... 15. Next Resolution 16. Maria 17. Driscoll 18. Black Hounds 19. New Enemy Turn 20. Ending(U.S.N.)
フロントミッションフォース プラス ザ・ファースト
○o。商品詳細。o○ 【新品・未開封品】【国内正規品】
★予約購入で発売日 (2004/5/10)に入手し、日の当たらない専用収納庫にて保管していた商品ですので綺麗な状態です。
☆PS2用RPG『FRONT MISSION 4』の使用音源を完全収録!
PS版としてリニュ-アルして発売された『FRONT MISSION 1st』の音源を収録したボーナスディスク付きの豪華4枚組!
☆『FRONT MISSION 4』をドラマティックに盛り上げる音楽をあますところなく収録したサウンドトラック!
1. Assault
2. Dust and Flames
3. Red Alert
4. Beginnings
5. The Durandal
6. Boot Camp
7. Nexus News
8. The Central Assembly
9. Move Out!
10. Mission Complete
11. Clear Skies Over Europe
12. Intruders
13. Conspiracy
14. Destinations
15. Free Spirit
16. Mayday
17. Whispers
18. Break Free
19. Deserters
20. Siege
21. Peace of Mind
22. Briefing
23. Battle Plans
24. Lock & Load
25. Intermission
1. Aggressors
2. Harbor Town
3. Hostiles
4. Game Over
5. Grapevine
6. War Machine
7. Rampage
8. Southern Breeze
9. Knights of Steel
10. To the Dragon’s Lair
11. The Revolutionary
12. Leaden Sky
13. Threat
14. Expeditionary Fleet
15. Brute Force
16. Blauer Nebel
17. Death of an Old Lion
18. Voice of Reason
19. Warmth
20. Why Am I Here?
21. Pride and Honor
22. Requiem for a Soldier
23. Iron Tempest
24. Guiding Light
25. Credits
1. A Minefield
2. Canyon Crow
3. Rise to Action
4. Advanced Guard
5. Mercenaries
6. Take the Offensive
7. The Evils of War
8. Decline
9. Force Stall
10. Manifold Irons
11. Bloody Temperature
12. Relative Thinking
13. Holic Shot
14. Hard Drag
15. More and More
16. Win Back
17. Raise a Flag
18. The General Situation
19. Shallow Twilight
20. Optical City
21. Coaxial Town
22. Field Hospital
23. Arena
24. Shop
25. Bar
26. Setting Up
27. Military Government
1. Ominous
2. Martial Ecologist
3. Rage!Rage!Rage!
4. Tension
5. A Person Easily Elated
6. Kalen
7. Elegie
8. Natalie
9. Fear
10. Terrible Density
11. Mad Pressure
12. Destructive Logic
13. Defeat
14. Within Living Memory...
15. Next Resolution
16. Maria
17. Driscoll
18. Black Hounds
19. New Enemy Turn
20. Ending(U.S.N.)
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